Our team at Burke & Beckstrom Orthodontics wants to help you be prepared this Halloween- do you know what candy is and isn’t safe to eat with braces? Certain kinds of candy can make your orthodontic treatment take much longer than it would normally. This is, of course, something that you would want to avoid. We want your treatment to be as painless as possible.


You can still eat candy this Halloween while keeping your teeth healthy- this is the candy that is safe for braces.


What to Look Out For

Certain candies can cause a lot of harm to your braces and your teeth, which can slow down your treatment time. Hard candy, chewy candy, caramel, nuts, taffy, jelly beans, gum, Tootsie Rolls, and sour candy are some of the types that can cause problems. Small, round candy, like Skittles or M&M’s, can cause your wires to slip or even remove some of your brackets.


It is better to avoid candy like Starbursts since they contain a lot of acids. The acid can wear down your teeth’s enamel, meaning that they are less protected from cavities and tooth decay.


Candy You Can Eat With Braces

There are types of candy that you can eat with braces. Dark chocolate, sugar-free gum, or anything with a sugar substitute is alright. They are not as damaging to your teeth as chewy and sticky candy. Specialists from the American Association of Orthodontics have recommended that you eat soft candy or snacks that can melt in your mouth.


The AAO has stated that the following candy is alright for your braces and your teeth:

  • Snow Caps
  • Peppermint Patties
  • Three Musketeers
  • Sweet Tarts
  • Kit Kats
  • Apple cider
  • Soft cookies or crackers
  • Smoothies
  • Root beer floats
  • Ice cream
  • Peanut butter cups
  • Soft chocolates


What Else to Remember

You will want to stay away from hard and sticky candy this year- if you want to avoid broken braces. We recommend that you brush and floss your teeth after eating any sweets. Be sure to take care of your teeth and oral health and you should be fine! If you do happen to have something bad happen to your braces, you can contact us.


It helps if you rinse your mouth with water after eating candy. The sugars in candy react with the natural bacteria in your mouth to produce more acid and wear down your teeth’s enamel. If you rinse, you are washing away some of the harmful acids so that you do not have to worry about your teeth being damaged.



Not all candy is off-limits, you can eat some softer candies- so do not feel like you need to give up all treats this year.


Be sure to call our team at Burke & Beckstrom Orthodontics if you need any help with your braces or have any questions about what candies you can eat this Halloween. We would love to hear from you and assist you with anything that you need.