For those who are looking to improve their smile, there are a couple of big names that many patients ask about: Invisalign and Smile Direct Club. Both of these solutions advertise significant results and an affordable cost with not a lot of hassle. Many customers become curious about the efficacy of these products and what the differences are between them


How Does Smile Direct Club Work?


If you’ve seen any of Smile Direct Club’s many television commercials, the premise is pretty enticing. Get orthodontic treatments at home without having to visit an orthodontist. This works with an initial visit to one of their Smile Shops for scanning to get a 3D image of your current bite and smile. In the likely event that a Smile Shop is not near you, the company will send you an impression kit to allow you to provide the initial information from your home. With this data, a treatment plan is set up, which lasts for an average of about six months. The retainers are then sent to you directly based on this plan.


How Does Invisalign Work?


The mechanism of Invisalign is actually very similar to that of Smile Direct Club. The goal is to provide clear aligners that will move your teeth into a preferred alignment without the relative inconvenience of braces. However, instead of an at-home impression kit or a visit to one of the retail locations, the Invisalign treatment plan is overseen by your trusted orthodontist. Instead of a follow-up plan of new aligners being mailed to you, an Invisalign treatment involves professional oversight to ensure that everything is moving at the speed intended. While the process is similar, there are a few big differences.


What Are the Big Differences Between Invisalign and Smile Direct Club?


Smile Direct Club advertises itself as one of the most convenient ways to get orthodontics treatments. However, that convenience only comes if you happen to be near a Smile Shop (as they call them) in your vicinity. Otherwise, the company will have to send you an at-home impression kit, which can cause problems and a mess. In addition, the lack of an orthodontist overseeing the treatment directly can mean it’s a faceless person managing your treatment instead of someone that you know and trust.


While the mechanisms are similar between Invisalign and Smile Direct Club, there can be small details that make a big difference. Let us help you through your journey! Contact us now and let us help you gain the smile of your dreams!