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My mom always taught me not to brag. But, is it ok if I brag about having the funnest, most talented, and enthusiastic orthodontic staff on the planet?! Well, please forgive me for bragging, because I can’t help but show off my Team of women who help me help my patients Smile forward.

Some days I feel like a single thorn amongst a bunch of beautiful roses. Other days I feel like the vase that holds all the pretty flowers together. But, everyday I’m just grateful to be part of the bouquet. I am so thankful for each member of my Team! Each one of them brings their unique talents, skills, and personality together to make an incredibly skillful, competent, and fun group of ladies. They share my vision for delivering the absolute best orthodontic care to our patients, while making sure that we do it in an environment that not only brings out the best in your smile, but also brings out the best in YOU! We truly believe that our job as your family’s orthodontic provider is about so much more than straight teeth and healthy bites. We believe that orthodontic treatment is simply one of the many ways that we can help you to becoming your best self, and we are here to encourage you all along the way. We are here to help you Smile forward. Please take just moment out of your busy day to learn more about my Team by visiting our staff page.

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