Here at Burke + Beckstrom Orthodontics, we want you to get the very most out of your Invisalign experience. That’s why we’ve compiled 4 helpful suggestions that will allow you to maximize the effectiveness of your treatment!



1 – Wear your aligners for 22 hours a day.



Dr. Burke and Dr. Beckstrom recommend that you wear your Invisalign aligners for at least 22 hours every day. Doing so will allow the technology to effectively and successfully shift your teeth to their new home. The only reason your aligners should be out is when you eat, brush your teeth, and floss. Be sure to replace them as soon as you complete one of those activities. In case you were wondering, your aligners should also be worn while you sleep because your teeth can shift and cause your overall treatment time to take longer than expected.



2 – Keep your aligner trays clean.



Similar to traditional braces, Invisalign aligners need to be cleaned constantly. Be sure to brush your aligners both morning and night. This will allow for any leftover food to be cleaned out and will help your teeth have that nice “invisible” look you love!



3 – Always brush your teeth after meals.



Not only is it important to clean and brush your Invisalign aligners, but it is absolutely vital to clean and brush your own teeth too! Doing so will prevent any food from getting stuck in your trays which will prevent any possible tooth decay. It also helps to keep your trays fitting properly so your treatment is smooth as butter. 



4 – Use your aligner case.



This may seem like a small thing but it will save you so much time and money! Whenever you have to take your Invisalign trays out, but sure to place them in their case until you put them back in again. This will help to prevent any accidents where your trays could be lost or thrown in the trash.


We hope these 4 tips help you to maximize your Invisalign treatment! Do you want to start your own Invisalign treatment for yourself? Stop by our office for a free consultation and learn why Burke + Beckstrom Orthodontics is named Invisalign’s premier provider for Southern Utah. Call us today at 435-673-3334.