The light at the end of the tunnel is close – you’ve almost completed the long journey of having braces and completing a major orthodontic treatment. There’s a new and great smile on your horizon. However, you may be wondering what to expect when you are getting your braces removed and what’s coming shortly after. Here are some things to expect at your removal appointment and what life will be like shortly after.


The Removal Appointment


There can be some anxiety about the process of having braces removed but, thankfully, the process isn’t one to be too nervous about. There shouldn’t be any pain involved in the process of having braces removed, one of the major fear points for many patients. At most, you feel pressure as your orthodontist removes the brackets and gently breaks the adhesive to remove the braces. However, that’s not the only thing that happens at this appointment. Your orthodontist will also make a new impression of your teeth and roof of your mouth to prepare a retainer. The entire removal appointment should only take about an hour.


What Comes Next?


After your braces are removed, there are a few things you’ll want to get used to. First off, as mentioned above, you’ll get a retainer to wear after the removal. Your specific instructions for your orthodontist will vary, but you can expect to wear that retainer full time for a few months afterward and then at night for a few more months, about a year total.


There will also be some other adjustments to get used to after the removal. For instance, in the short term, your gums will likely be inflamed from the removal process. With continued and proper care of tooth brushing and flossing, this will quickly subside. Another odd thing to get used to is that you will probably have calluses on the inside of your lips. This is a result of the metal brackets rubbing against the skin there. However, because that metal prevents you from feeling that skin, you won’t notice the calluses presence there until after the braces are removed. These are temporary and will return to usual over time. Another possible side effect is some discoloration because braces can make it hard to fully clean teeth. This can also be treated once the braces are removed. A last possible side effect is that braces may have weakened the enamel on your teeth, making them slightly more sensitive.


Now, however, there are very exciting things to look forward to. You can enjoy some of your favorite foods that aren’t exactly braces-friendly, like gum, candies, and apples. Brushing and flossing your teeth will become substantially easier again. And, of course, you’ll have a beautiful new smile that you will be excited to showcase to the world once again! Contact us today, and let’s work together to gain the smile of your dreams!