Teeth. There’s up 32 of them in the average smile. And yes… you probably do take them for granted.


For many of us, the idea of keeping our teeth straight and perfect tends to be something we experience primarily in our youth when alignment needs the most encouragement. It’s not that we ignore dental hygiene altogether once we reach a certain age. It’s just that we consider a perfectly straight smile to be practically impossible.


But it is possible, whether you’re 12, 27 or even in your late fifties. Now more than ever, trends and innovations in dental care have become accessible, cost effective and virtually painless. In fact, one out of every four orthodontic patients in the U.S. is an adult. And if you’re concerned about how orthodontic procedures can affect you as an adult, here are some things to consider.


What Are The Hygienic Results I Can Expect From Orthodontic Procedures?


  • Healthier teeth and gums that are easier to clean without resorting to expensive whitening surgeries and solutions.
  • A healthier jaw, with less worry about degenerative diseases or conditions like TMJ and even constant headaches.
  • Less risk of a host of sleeping problems from snoring to teeth grinding… and even sleep apnea.
  • A boost in your confidence, trust and self esteem!


Are Braces Right For Me?


If you have an overbite, underbite, crooked teeth or even a malady as severe as a jaw disorder, you may wonder whether or not braces are right for you. The answer is a resounding yes!


No matter what your age is, the process of straightening your smile with braces is exactly the same. You’re moving your teeth in line to become more even and aligned, even if you’ve already had dental implants. And the result can be a smile that’s as vital, fresh and pleasant as you are.


What About Other Alignment Methods?


You don’t necessarily have to rely on seemingly long term solutions like braces to help get a perfect smile. Custom molded alignment trays are becoming increasingly popular with millions of Americans, with the added benefit that they can slip on and off without being noticed. The shift in your smile may be just as gradual; but if you’re concerned about the appearance of traditional metal braces, ceramic and even high quality plastic aligners like Invisalign® are an attractive and convenient alternative with all of the efficacy of braces and none of the self consciousness.



Ready to change the way you think about orthodontics? Smile forward with confidence and give us a call today at 435-673-3334!