Tips for Improving Your Dental Hygiene

Dental hygiene is a keystone to your overall health. By taking care of your mouth, you can avoid serious health issues down the road and save money by not requiring costly medical or dental procedures to correct issues. Everybody has heard that you should brush your teeth at least twice a day, and floss every night, but is this enough? Let’s take a look at some of the other ways that you can be at the top of your game when it comes to dental hygiene.

Keep a Toothbrush On-Hand

Sometimes, life gets in the way of keeping your teeth clean. If you work in an office and end up with a lunch that sticks in your teeth, it is great to have a toothbrush there with you to get rid of any food particles. You may end up having to work late or spend the night somewhere unexpectedly. Keep a toothbrush in your briefcase or somewhere else that you have easy access to. You should keep a cover on this toothbrush to prevent dust, germs, or other outside elements from accumulating.

Correctly Floss

When you are flossing, you should be removing any food particles that get caught in your teeth and gums. Your toothbrush is unable to reach about 40% of the surface of your teeth, so you need to floss to get the surface area that you are missing. You need to go into your gums while flossing. C shape flossers can make the whole process very easy. You should not have to use too much pressure, or you may damage your gums if you are not careful.

Once you are done flossing, you should also give your mouth a quick rinse with water. The floss will remove debris and germs from between your teeth, but it will not remove them from your mouth. By rinsing your mouth, you are flushing out anything that the floss knocked loose.

Use Electric Toothbrushes

Electric toothbrushes are a great way to make sure that you are taking proper care of your mouth. The vibration created by an electric toothbrush can help break up and remove food particles stuck in your teeth. Many electric toothbrushes have a built-in timer that will let you know when you have been brushing your teeth for two minutes, taking the guesswork out of how long you need to keep brushing.

Electric toothbrushes require less effort than traditional brushes, which require you to move your brush in small circles over your teeth to thoroughly clean them. Instead, electric toothbrushes can effectively clean your teeth with less pressure and effort. Just guide the toothbrush around your mouth and let it work its magic.

Keep Your Tongue Clean

Everyone cleans their teeth when they brush, but not everyone remembers to give their tongue some attention. Your tongue is home to bacteria that can cause plaque buildup or halitosis if you do not get a handle on them. Gently give your tongue a brush when cleaning the rest of your mouth to get rid of some of these bacteria. You can also utilize mouthwash to help keep your tongue clean.


All in all, dental hygiene is extremely important. By following these tips and tricks, you should be able to take your dental health even higher and avoid future dental problems. Take care of your mouth and it will take care of you as well!