Patients often undergo orthodontic treatment involving braces or Invisalign to straighten their teeth. It is only natural that you would like to have the perfect, sparkly, and straight smile once your orthodontic treatment is over. 

Read on to find out what you need to know about using a teeth whitening treatment along with ongoing orthodontic treatment. 

Can You Whiten Your Teeth While Wearing Braces or Invisalign?

There is no lack of conflicting information when it comes to this question. While many patients wonder whether they can whiten their teeth with braces or Invisalign, they hardly ever find the right answers. You will find many sources that allow you to go ahead. Meanwhile, some others are strictly prohibited. 

This is because the decision is mostly personal, depending on both the preferences of the patient as well as their dental condition. So, your orthodontist might be the best person to ask for advice and recommendation. 

Nevertheless, it is technically possible to do so. However, patients wearing braces might struggle more than patients with Invisalign. In any case, seek medical advice to make the best possible decision. 

Teeth Whitening with Braces

There are quite some ways of whitening your teeth, with OTC teeth whitening products being the most common option. These products are designed to get rid of surface stains from your teeth. This suggests that they might not be as effective when you have braces covering your teeth. 

They will only whiten the visible parts of your teeth, leaving the hidden portions stained and yellow. As a result, you will smile a two-toned smile. Similar is the case with in-office teeth whitening treatments. The braces brackets in the way largely affect the level of effectiveness.

On the other hand, you are likely to experience a lot of discomforts or even pain if you opt for teeth whitening with braces. Teeth whitening can often cause sensitivity of the teeth. While this bearable, teeth with braces are already sensitive enough to invite any more discomfort. 

Teeth Whitening with Invisalign

Invisalign is quite different than braces. For starters, you can remove them while it is impossible to remove braces without an orthodontist. This suggests that you can remove your Invisalign aligners and get a whitening treatment. However, this is not true for all Invisalign users. 

The majority of the patients who wear Invisalign aligners also require attachments. Invisalign attachments refer to buttons that have a similar color to your teeth, bonded with your teeth. These allow your aligners to push on them for better movement of the teeth. 

When it comes to teeth whitening, Invisalign attachments act just like the brackets of braces. They inhibit tooth whitening products from reaching the teeth, resulting in two-toned teeth. 

Nonetheless, you can easily whiten your teeth with Invisalign if your case is easy and you don’t have attachments. But if you have Invisalign attachments, it is best to wait until your orthodontic treatment is over. Also, remember to keep the sensitivity factor in mind. 


While it is technically possible to whiten teeth with braces and Invisalign, orthodontic professionals recommend waiting six months after realignment. This way, the process will be faster, more effective, and much more comfortable. 

However, it is important to take professional advice before making a final decision. Dr. Burke and Dr. Beckstrom at Burke and Beckstrom Orthodontics are among the best choices for dental and orthodontic treatments. Schedule an appointment today by calling at 435-375-3440!